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First worldwide record of Colletotrichum siamense and Colletotrichum truncatum causing leaf anthracnose on desert rose (Adenium obesum)
Journal of Phytopathology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: 10.1111/jph.13296
Perla R. Nuñez‐García 1 , Rita J. Salazar‐Mesta 1 , Moisés Camacho‐Tapia 2 , Willie A. S. Vieira 3 , María B. Contreras‐Soto 1 , Juan M. Tovar‐Pedraza 1

In September 2022, symptoms of leaf anthracnose were observed on desert rose (Adenium obesum) plants distributed in parks and gardens in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico. Two morphotypes of Colletotrichum isolates were obtained from symptomatic tissues. Based on morphological characterization in combination with multilocus phylogenetic analyses including data from internal transcribed spacer, actin, glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, and β‐tubulin, and pathogenicity tests, it was confirmed that C. siamense and C. truncatum are the causal agents of the disease. This is the first report of C. siamense and C. truncatum causing leaf anthracnose in desert rose worldwide.


暹罗炭疽病和元宝炭疽病在沙漠玫瑰(Adenium obesum)上引起叶炭疽病的全球首次记录
