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Is acute necrotising pancreatitis a chronic disease?
Gut ( IF 24.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-01 , DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2024-331915
Deepak Gunjan , Soumya Jagannath Mahapatra , Pramod Kumar Garg

Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common disease with an annual incidence of 34 (23–49) per 100 000 population.1 Patients with acute interstitial pancreatitis have a shorter self-limiting disease course while acute necrotising pancreatitis (ANP) is a much more severe disease with major local and systemic complications mandating prolonged hospitalisation.2 Among the local complications, acute necrotic fluid collections and walled-off necrosis require interventions preferably minimally invasively such as percutaneous and per-oral endoscopic drainage, and necrosectomy.3 Although the majority of patients survive the illness but their misery doesn't end there with potential long-term serious consequences. This is the focus of the cohort study comprising of 373 patients with a median follow-up of 13.5 years published in Gut by Hollemans et al. 4 The word ‘chronic’ literally refers to disease duration. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) define chronic diseases broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both.5 WHO defines Long COVID as the continuation or development of new symptoms 3 months after the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection.6 It is in this context that we will discuss the study by the Dutch Pancreatitis Study group. The long-term complications of ANP could either be related to the aetiology of the index episode of AP or the local complications that develop following AP. These complications include recurrent and chronic pancreatitis (CP), persistent or recurrent fluid collections, pancreatico-cutaneous fistula, biliary and gastric outlet obstructions, and vascular complications such as pseudoaneurysm. In addition, functional consequences develop due to loss of pancreatic parenchyma comprising of both exocrine and endocrine components. Among patients with ANP, …



急性胰腺炎 (AP) 是一种常见疾病,年发病率为每 10 万人中 34 例 (23–49)。1 急性间质性胰腺炎患者的自限性病程较短,而急性坏死性胰腺炎 (ANP) 的自限性病程则要严重得多。严重疾病,伴有重大局部和全身并发症,需要延长住院时间。2 在局部并发症中,急性坏死液积聚和封闭性坏死需要微创干预,例如经皮和经口内镜引流以及坏死切除术。3患者虽然能从疾病中幸存下来,但他们的痛苦并不会就此结束,并可能带来长期的严重后果。这是 Hollemans 等人在 Gut 发表的队列研究的重点,该研究由 373 名患者组成,中位随访时间为 13.5 年。 4 “慢性”一词字面意思是指疾病持续时间。疾病控制中心 (CDC) 将慢性病广泛定义为持续 1 年或以上且需要持续医疗护理或限制日常生活活动或两者兼而有之的病症。5 WHO 将长新冠病毒定义为新症状 3 个月后持续或出现。 6 正是在这种背景下,我们将讨论荷兰胰腺炎研究小组的研究。 ANP 的长期并发症可能与 AP 首次发作的病因有关,也可能与 AP 后出现的局部并发症有关。这些并发症包括复发性和慢性胰腺炎(CP)、持续性或复发性积液、胰皮瘘、胆道和胃出口梗阻以及假性动脉瘤等血管并发症。此外,由于由外分泌和内分泌成分组成的胰腺实质的丧失,会产生功能性后果。在 ANP 患者中,...