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The effect of silica nanoparticles on the shock adiabatic relation and tensile strength in polyurethane
Mechanics of Materials ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2024.104979
Zhi-Qiang Hu , Jian-Li Shao , Peng-Wan Chen

This work exploded the effect of silica nanoparticles on shock adiabatic relation and tensile fracture in polyurethane based on atomistic simulations. It is found that the non-uniform interface structures introduced by nanoparticles can increase the shock impedance, which also leading to increased twisting of polyurethane chains and the generation of local hotspots near the nanoparticles. The interface structures near the nanoparticle consists of polyurethane chains with a high gyration radius, and the average gyration radius increases approximately linearly with the increase in nanoparticle content. At lower shock velocity, the potential energy increment initially increases and then decreases with the increase in nanoparticle content. Bond analysis reveal that flexible segments dominate the bending and twisting deformations of polyurethane, while nanoparticles enhance the corresponding deformation degrees. Furthermore, nanoparticles can serve as void nucleation sites for early-stage tensile damage, resulting in a decrease in fracture strength. Differing from metals, the relationship between tensile strength and fracture temperature follows a more linear law. Nanoparticles inhibit the later growth and coalescence of voids by increasing the temperature and steric hindrance. The density and size distribution characteristics of voids are consistent with the changes in potential energy during the shock compression process. Unlike classical spallation, the curled polyurethane chains in the tensile region gradually orient along the shock direction, evolving into a void-fiber structure.


