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The Regulation of Body Weight: Evidence and Clinical Implications
Annals of Behavioral Medicine ( IF 4.871 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1093/abm/13.4.220
Daryth D. Stallone 1 , Albert J. Stunkard 1

We review the concept of the regulation of body weight and discuss its clinical significance. Evidence that body weight is regulated in animals of normal weight and in some obese animals suggests that some types of obesity manifest regulation of body weight at an elevated level We show that the concept of regulation applies not only to maintenance of a stable body weight, but also to variations of body weight. Endogenous factors related to hibernation, migration, and the ovulatory cycle, and experimental interventions, such as brain lesions and “appetite suppressant” medication, can alter the level at which body weight is regulated. Evidence is presented that body weight regulation may also occur in both normal weight and obese humans. We conclude with a discussion of a new role for “appetite suppressant” medication in the treatment of obesity.


