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Stress and Disease: A Psychobiological Perspective
Annals of Behavioral Medicine ( IF 4.871 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1093/abm/13.4.205
Robert Dantzer 1

The old notion that stress leads to disease via non-specific mechanisms impinging on fragilized target organs must be revised. Based on animal studies, it is proposed that the organism is equipped with a number of encapsulated defense systems that are triggered by specific exteroceptive or interoceptive stimuli leading to defense reactions involving intricate relationships between physiological and behavioral responses. The exteroceptive defense system is aroused by external dangers that threaten the organism's psychological and physical integrity. Its output consists of a set of species-specific reactions which are hierarchically organized depending on the nature and intensity of the stressors and the individual's ability to predict and control them. The interoceptive defense system is activated by ingested poisons. Its output consists of a set of orofacial, gastrointestinal and hormonal responses which enable the organism to get rid of the poisonous food before or after it has been swallowed and to attenuate its effects. The immunoceptive defense system is triggered by non-self antigens. Its output consists of a set of local and systemic responses which aim at overcoming the disease process. Although these different defense systems normally function independently from each other, they can interact because of some commonality in their underlying neural mechanisms and because of competition for a final common behavioral pathway. The study of how information is processed within each system and how different systems can interact with each other gives new insights about the pathophysiology of stress-related diseases.


