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Application of Hybrid Image Processing Based on Artificial Intelligence in Interactive English Teaching
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1145/3626822
Dou Xin 1 , Cuiping Shi 2

Primary school English teaching resources play an important role in primary school English teaching. The information age requires that primary school English teaching should strengthen the use of multimedia resources and gradually realize the diversification of teaching content. Expanded reality innovation is a sort of mixture picture handling innovation, which is one of the significant innovations that would influence the improvement of fundamental schooling in the following five years. It can seamlessly output virtual objects to the real environment, which is convenient for this paper to obtain and absorb information. It can also help students to participate in exploration and cultivate their creativity and imagination. It can strengthen the cooperation between students and teachers and create various learning environments. It has an immeasurable prospect of development in the field of education. The primary school English teaching resources based on augmented reality create a realistic learning situation from two-dimensional plane to three-dimensional three-dimensional display, and enrich the presentation of primary school English teaching content. It can stimulate students’ interest in learning English and promote the transformation of English teaching methods. It is a useful attempt in the field of education. This paper made statistics on the test results of the experimental class and the control class. Most of the scores of the experimental group were between 71 and 100, a total of 27, accounting for 67.5%. The score distribution of the control class was relatively balanced, with the highest number between 61-70, and the number was 10, accounting for 25%. Therefore, it can be seen that hybrid image processing technology is important for interactive English teaching.



