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Freud's Aphasia Book and Spielrein's Destruction Paper: A Shared Fate, To Be Ignored and Restored
American Imago Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2024.a923506
Frank Marchese


This article discusses the early fate and subsequent revival of interest in Freud’s 1891 book, On Aphasia, and Sabina Spielrein’s 1912 Destruction paper. Early on, these authors shared a similar fate: a failure of recognition of the aforementioned works at the time of their initial publication. In Freud’s case, the number of books sold was minimal and the rest were shredded; it remained mostly unread and overlooked in discussions of neurological problems, although regarded as a classical contribution to the field of neurology. As for Spielrein, her paper, following its initial appearance in German, was not published until 80 years later in English! Although Spielrein had a profound impact throughout her mature career as a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and developmental child psychologist, she remained unacknowledged during her lifetime and was virtually forgotten after her death. This article demonstrates that, although the importance of their seminal works was overlooked, recent developments in neuroscience have revived interest in On Aphasia and, in Spielrein’s case, her contributions to psychoanalysis and developmental psychology have become classics in these fields.




本文讨论了弗洛伊德 1891 年的著作《论失语症》和萨宾娜·斯皮尔莱因 1912 年的《毁灭》论文的早期命运和随后的兴趣复兴。早期,这些作者有着相似的命运:上述作品在首次出版时未能得到认可。就弗​​洛伊德而言,售出的书籍数量极少,其余的都被撕碎了;尽管它被视为对神经学领域的经典贡献,但它在神经学问题的讨论中仍然大部分未被阅读和忽视。至于 Spielrein,她的论文最初以德文发表,直到 80 年后才以英文发表!尽管斯皮尔莱因作为精神病学家、精神分析学家和发展儿童心理学家对她成熟的职业生涯产生了深远的影响,但她在生前仍未得到承认,在她去世后几乎被遗忘。本文表明,尽管他们的开创性著作的重要性被忽视了,但神经科学的最新发展重新唤起了人们对《论失语症》的兴趣,就斯皮尔莱因而言,她对精神分析和发展心理学的贡献已成为这些领域的经典。
