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The Mystery of "Passe"
American Imago Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2024.a923505
Sergio Benvenuto


This article analyzes how the philosopher Alain Badiou describes a process invented by Lacan, la passe, the pass—a procedure for deciding whether or not to admit to his student analysands about to complete their analysis. By deconstructing Badiou’s text, the author shows how the philosopher ascribes a sacramental presupposition to the pass, understood as a Catholic sacrament or mystical mystery. The author criticises a kind of dogmatic worship of psychoanalysis into which many philosophers fall, and shows how this uncritical belief in the sacramental effectiveness of psychoanalysis—and the cult of Freud’s work as a Revelation—fails to help psychoanalysis to improve in any way, but rather shuts it down in a narcissistic self-satisfaction. Instead, psychoanalysis lives of its own deconstruction.




本文分析了哲学家阿兰·巴迪欧 (Alain Badiou) 如何描述拉康发明的一个过程(la passe),即决定是否接纳即将完成分析的学生分析者的程序。通过解构巴迪欧的文本,作者展示了这位哲学家如何将圣礼预设赋予通行证,将其理解为天主教圣礼或神秘的奥秘。作者批评了许多哲学家陷入的对精神分析的教条式崇拜,并展示了这种对精神分析圣礼效果的不加批判的信仰——以及对弗洛伊德作为启示的崇拜——如何无法帮助精神分析以任何方式改进,但是而是以一种自恋的自我满足感来关闭它。相反,精神分析靠自身的解构而存在。
