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Patterns of residential differentiation and labor control at Baking Pot and Lower Dover in the Belize River Valley
Ancient Mesoamerica Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s095653612300007x
John P. Walden , Julie A. Hoggarth , Claire E. Ebert , Kyle Shaw-Müller , Weiyu Ran , Yijia Qiu , Olivia P. Ellis , Brett Meyer , Michael Biggie , Tia B. Watkins , Rafael A. Guerra , Jaime J. Awe

The Classic Maya polities of Baking Pot and Lower Dover developed along two dramatically different trajectories. At Baking Pot, the capital and associated apical elite regime grew concomitantly with surrounding populations over a thousand-year period. The smaller polity of Lower Dover, in contrast, formed when a Late Classic political center was established by an emergent apical elite regime amidst several long-established intermediate elite-headed districts. The different trajectories through which these polities formed should have clear implications for residential size variability. We employ the Gini coefficient to measure variability in household volume to compare patterns of residential size differentiation between the two polities. The Gini coefficients, while similar, suggest greater differentiation in residential size at Baking Pot than at Lower Dover, likely related to the centralized control of labor by the ruling elite at Baking Pot. While the Gini coefficient is synonymous with measuring wealth inequalities, we suggest that in the Classic period Belize River Valley, residential size was more reflective of labor control.


