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Inertia of partial transpose of positive semidefinite matrices
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-14 , DOI: 10.1088/1751-8121/ad3056
Yixuan Liang , Jiahao Yan , Dongran Si , Lin Chen

We show that the partial transpose of 9×9 positive semidefinite matrices do not have inertia (4,1,4) and (3,2,4) . It solves an open problem in ‘LINEAR AND MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA. Changchun Feng et al, 2022’. We apply our results to construct some inertia, as well as present the list of all possible inertia of partial transpose of 12×12 positive semidefinite matrices.



我们证明了部分转置 9×9 半正定矩阵没有惯性 4,1,4 3,2,4 。它解决了“线性和多线性代数”中的一个开放问题。冯长春等人,2022 年'。我们应用我们的结果来构造一些惯性,并列出了部分转置的所有可能的惯性 12×12 半正定矩阵。