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Analysis of Surface Water Availability and Projection of Domestic Water Demand in The Logawa Sub-Watershed 2030
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1313/1/012013
F Aryakusumo , A A Fajriani , R F Haikal , R A Nugraini , S Q Anggrahini , T A Sakti , W N Azizah , Z U Hikmah

Water is a vital element that is used to meet human needs such as domestic and non-domestic activities (agriculture, fisheries, tourism, and industry). The more human activities carried out, the greater the amount of water needed. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the availability and demand for water to determine the conditions of shortage and excess water to meet future water needs. The method used in this research was the quantitative descriptive method with the study area unit covering all parts of the Logawa Sub-Watershed. The research sample was taken using the purposive sampling method with data collection techniques including secondary data in the form of literature studies and related institutions and primary data in the form of direct observations in the field. Data analysis was determined by the discharge duration curve formula to obtain a reliable discharge and calculate the water demand in each sector. The results of the study show that the availability of water in the Logawa Sub-Watershed can suffice the water needs of the domestic and non-domestic sectors (agriculture and livestock) in 2023 and domestic water needs in 2030.


洛加瓦次流域地表水可用性分析及 2030 年生活用水需求预测
