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Advanced flow simulations of estuarine water resources responding to changes in societal demands
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1313/1/012015
Jin Hwan Hwang , Dong Hyeon Kim , Bo-Kyung Kim

Water resources of rivers and estuaries have traditionally been managed for local societal demands, including municipal, agricultural, and industrial usages, as well as for transportation as navigational channels. However, as societal demands have changed including urban expansion, economic growth, cultural transition, etc., the land uses also should be changed, and the civil necessities of water have been diversified, and this has raised concerns about the ecology, environment, and water quality issues. This study attempted to address three water resource management issues in South Korean rivers and estuaries, which occurred recently due to the changes in societal demands for water and explained how the most advanced scientific research techniques had been applied. The main issues were 1) agricultural water security and ecological environment restoration in Nakdong River Estuary, 2) water and soil quality degradation due to industrial effluents in Hyeongsan River Estuary, and 3) utilization of rivers as waterways and water quality and ecology issues in the ARA waterway. To find solutions to conflicts of water resources, the series of numerical simulations validated by the field observations allowed 1) assessments of the impact and extent of salt intrusion upon the opening of estuary dam gates, 2) estuarine physical processes to investigate the influence of industrial effluent, and 3) analysis water quality variations resulting from changes in the function of artificial channels. These analyses are expected to provide appropriate and science-based strategies of regional water management.


