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First mile and last mile analysis using users’ perceived quality of Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT Jakarta) North-South Corridor Phase 1
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1313/1/012021
G A Purba , D Widiyastuti

To address urban problems caused by high usage of private vehicles, it is important to understand how MRT Jakarta as a new public transportation mode in Jakarta, could support the mobility needs of its users not only within MRT stations but also throughout the entire journey from origin to destination. This study aims to analyze the socio-demographic characteristics of MRT Jakarta users, the first mile and last mile spatial mobility pattern, and the perceived quality of overall journey using MRT Jakarta. An online questionnaire was employed to collect data directly from MRT Jakarta users, encompassing socio-demographic information, spatial mobility patterns, and users’ evaluations on several influencing factors. The study concludes that improving the quality of the first mile segments can significantly improve the overall journey quality using MRT Jakarta.


