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The Paradox of Farmers in Response Agricultural Land Conversion to National Strategic Development Policies in Central Java
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1313/1/012041
B W Utami , S S Hariadi , A B Raya

The pros and cons of developing infrastructure, including transportation infrastructure, in a country known as an agricultural country will certainly involve and possibly sacrifice several parties. The development causes a dilemma for the affected parties. Klaten Regency is one of the areas in Central Java where the Yogyakarta-Solo toll road would be built. This article investigates some farmers affected by toll road construction in Klaten Regency to present the dilemma they felt using an approach to the level of achievement of farmers’ feelings towards this policy. The results of the research show the following achievement levels: (1) farmers felt sad about the land conversion due to the toll road construction project policy, (2) farmers were happy about the land acquisition compensation appraisal, and (3) farmers were sad about the decision to sell the land.


