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Spatial Characteristic and Utilization Pattern of Riverside for Tourism Development in Yogyakarta
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1313/1/012039
D Widiyastuti , N Larasati , S Y Adhitama , S Pramesti

The river as a natural attraction has the potential to be developed into a tourist attraction. In its development it requires space to accommodate tourist activities. Both main and supporting activities all require space, so that new spaces development tend to appear to facilitate these activities. Yogyakarta has been undergone an essential transformation in the spatial nature of its riverside due to tourism development. Therefore, this study focuses on the changes that occur in the riverside area due to tourism activities. This research focuses on the spatial characteristic and utilization patterns of riverside along three rivers in Yogyakarta through map analysis and field investigation. The constituent elements are determined, and then spatial characteristics are analysed in term of space used, activities and accessibility. The relationships between these characteristics and utilization pattern are discussed. The riversides developed for tourism activities have been undergone a fundamental change. There are significant relationships between utilization pattern and space used, activities and accessibility. The result presented here can provide a guidance for further development of riverside in Yogyakarta and beyond.


