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Study of the Characteristics of Polyurethane as a Sustainable Material used for Buildings, Polymer Composite, Biomedical, and Electronics Application
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/1322/1/012006
I.P. Okokpujie , S.I. Monye , R.E. Subair , C.J. Abiodun , N.S. Monye , C.O. Osueke

This research is focused on studying the characteristics of Polyurethane in engineering applications as a sustainable material employed for buildings and as reinforcement for polymer composite, electronics, and biomedical applications. This study discussed and reviewed papers cut across the Polyurethane Formation, Engineering Attributes of Polyurethane, and Polyurethane Applications in various fields such as Buildings, Polymer Composite Materials, Biomedical, and Electronic, which has proven that Polyurethane is a multi-functional material that has been employed in biomedical engineering used for tissue, wound treatment, breast implant, drug delivery systems. Also, it has been applied for sensors, actuators, Flexible electronics, Energy harvesters and storage, and Shape memory applications. Furthermore, its application in buildings, Polyurethane (PU) foam as an insulation material embedded in the aluminium roofing system for sustainable human comfort. This study also identifies the challenges of Polyurethane and provides sustainable solutions. In conclusion, site materials and structural application have shown excellent performance from studying the Polyurethane characteristics as embedded materials for roofing sheets.


