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Radical Change and Dominant Character of Digital Transformation in Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurship in Less Innovative Economies
Journal of the Knowledge Economy ( IF 1.815 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s13132-024-01807-1
Rafael Palacios Bustamante , Xochitl Margarita Cruz Pérez , María del Pilar Escott-Mota

The company’s rapid adaptation to digital transformation (DT) both in the most innovative economies and in the less innovative economies is one of the topics that keeps the field of innovation studies very busy but also governments. The artificial intelligence (AI) sector is one of the areas that is having the greatest degree of influence due to the effects of DT. While it is true that with DT these companies have a high potential for innovation, it is also true that their business models require a permanent readaptation process with the dynamics and complexity of technological changes. This research contributes to help companies to understand the complexity and dynamics of DT. Through a set of configurations based on the qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) method, it is possible to identify the positioning of the companies in the artificial intelligence sector in relation to this technological pattern. One of the most relevant conclusions is that the construction of configurations related to radical changes allows companies to observe the complexity and dynamics of these changes.



