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Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Among Prosumers in Energy Communities Based on Preferences Considering Holacracy Structure
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: 10.1109/tem.2024.3382881
P. Afzali 1 , A. Rajaei 2 , M. Rashidinejad 2 , H. Farahmand 3

Holacracy is a social structure for operating an organization in a self-organized, self-managed, and autonomous manner. Smart grids are moving toward local energy supply and self-organization to empower consumer electricity. Prosumers and consumers can actively share the benefit of using local energy sources in the form of emerging energy communities. A holacracy structure can be defined as a decision-making system throughout a holarchy of self-organizing instead of hierarchical management to achieve more democratic forms of organizational governance. In this article, we present a new concept and a novel modeling approach for a self-organizing system based on a holacracy structure for energy management. A new community convenience index based on an energy holacracy structure is presented. The community convenience index reflects the prosumers' preferences within energy communities. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed holacracy structure by increasing community convenience and smart microgrids hosting capacity.


