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Analysis and protection to user privacy in quantum private query with non-ideal light source
Quantum Information Processing ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s11128-024-04346-5
Yang-Fan Jiao , Wei Huang , Bin Liu , Wen-Zhu Shao , Zheng-Da Shen , Bing-Jie Xu

Most existing quantum-key-distribution-based quantum private query (QPQ) protocols are designed based on ideal quantum communication devices. However, multiphoton pulses are unavoidable in various light sources due to practical devices. We analyze the security of the QPQ protocol with the user as the light source in the case of non-ideal light sources. The results show that the user’s privacy is seriously threatened when the database utilizes multiphoton pulses to launch attacks. To address this issue, we propose a decoy-state method to resist multiphoton attacks in the QPQ, which is used to verify the honesty of the database. By calculating the ratio of multiphoton pulses, shifting the key, and choosing the suitable light sources, the user can detect and effectively resist the database launching multiphoton attacks. This approach fills the research gap on the user-as-light-source aspect of QPQ protocols, enabling the QPQ to perform better in scenarios involving non-ideal light sources.



