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Gamu Blue: A Practical Tool for Game Theory Security Equilibria
arXiv - CS - Computer Science and Game Theory Pub Date : 2024-03-28 , DOI: arxiv-2403.19130
Ameer Taweel, Burcu Yıldız, Alptekin Küpçü

The application of game theory in cybersecurity enables strategic analysis, adversarial modeling, and optimal decision-making to address security threats' complex and dynamic nature. Previous studies by Abraham et al. and Bi\c{c}er et al. presented various definitions of equilibria to examine the security aspects of games involving multiple parties. Nonetheless, these definitions lack practical and easy-to-use implementations. Our primary contribution is addressing this gap by developing Gamu Blue, an easy-to-use tool with implementations for computing the equilibria definitions including k-resiliency, l-repellence, t-immunity, (l, t)-resistance, and m-stability.


Gamu Blue:博弈论安全均衡的实用工具

博弈论在网络安全中的应用可以进行战略分析、对抗性建模和最佳决策,以应对安全威胁的复杂性和动态性。亚伯拉罕等人之前的研究。和 Bi\c{c}er 等人。提出了均衡的各种定义,以检查涉及多方的博弈的安全方面。尽管如此,这些定义缺乏实用且易于使用的实现。我们的主要贡献是通过开发 Gamu Blue 来弥补这一差距,Gamu Blue 是一种易于使用的工具,可实现计算平衡定义,包括 k-弹性、l-排斥性、t-免疫性、(l, t)-电阻和 m-稳定。