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Scaffolding Expository Reading with Picture Books: Strategies for Comprehending Informational Language
The Reading Teacher ( IF 1.783 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 , DOI: 10.1002/trtr.2286
Brittany Adams , Gillian E. Mertens , Zhihui Fang , Marissa Baugh

Informational texts present complex content using language that is simultaneously technical, abstract, dense, and authoritative. This article describes practical strategies to support teachers in using informational picture books to prepare upper elementary school students for navigating the complex language demands necessitated by expository reading. These strategies include morphological analysis, spotlighting discipline-specific vocabulary, sentence completion, unpacking nominalizations, identifying actions and their agents, deconstructing noun phrases, paraphrasing complex sentences, and syntactic anatomy. They are designed for classroom teachers to support their implementation of authentic informational texts.


