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Supporting Students' Knowledge Activation before, during, and after Reading
The Reading Teacher ( IF 1.783 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-29 , DOI: 10.1002/trtr.2322
Courtney Hattan

Knowledge activation and knowledge building are essential for reading comprehension. Yet, how can teachers support students in accessing and applying their existing knowledge and experiences during reading? This article provides six evidence‐based principles to consider during literacy instruction, which are drawn from a recent systematic literature review that examined prior knowledge activation instructional scaffolds. These principles are: (a) activate knowledge before, during, and after reading; (b) activate knowledge collaboratively; (c) support students in understanding connections between concepts; (d) support students in recognizing discrepancies between their knowledge and the text; (e) address misunderstandings; and (f) consider the amount of topic‐specific knowledge that students have. These principles have the potential to shift how teachers think about the role of knowledge activation throughout the reading process.



知识激活和知识构建对于阅读理解至关重要。然而,教师如何支持学生在阅读过程中获取和应用现有的知识和经验呢?本文提供了在识字教学过程中需要考虑的六项基于证据的原则,这些原则取自最近的一项系统文献综述,该文献审查了先验知识激活教学支架。这些原则是: (a) 在阅读之前、期间和之后激活知识; (b) 协作激活知识; (c) 支持学生理解概念之间的联系; (d) 支持学生认识到他们的知识与课文之间的差异; (e) 消除误解; (f) 考虑学生拥有的特定主题知识的数量。这些原则有可能改变教师对知识激活在整个阅读过程中的作用的看法。