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Does a sprawling neighborhood affect obesity? Evidence from Indonesia
International Journal of Health Economics and Management ( IF 1.837 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10754-024-09371-6
Yunita , Muhammad Halley Yudhistira , Yusuf Reza Kurniawan

While the causes of obesity have been widely discussed from various perspectives, studies that examine how the physical form of a neighborhood could causally affect obesity remain limited. This study combined individual-level longitudinal data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey and subdistrict-level land cover data to investigate whether a neighborhood’s physical form affects individuals’ obesity status. We controlled for individual and location fixed-effect to account for individuals’ sorting preferences and unobserved heterogeneity at the subdistrict level. Our results suggest that a sprawling neighborhood corresponds to a lower body mass index, particularly among males. We also show that consumption behavior can explain this mechanism.



