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Exploring the motivation and challenges for land-users engaged in sustainable grazing in Europe
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.189 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2024.107146
Julia Rouet-Leduc , Fons van der Plas , Aletta Bonn , Wouter Helmer , Melissa R. Marselle , Erica von Essen , Guy Pe’er

Grazing of both domestic and wild large herbivores can contribute to multiple ecosystem services. However, grazing systems strongly differ in the intensity of management and outcomes, and we define sustainable grazing as grazing which benefits multiple environmental ecosystem services. Previous studies have found that, in general, grazing systems with relatively low densities of animals, and with minimal and only targeted applications of deworming and other medicinal treatments, are most sustainable. However, for people engaged in such grazing management, a key question is what are their challenges and motivation.


