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The Recurrent Nova V745 Sco had a Classical Nova Eruption in 1897 July
Research Notes of the AAS Pub Date : 2024-03-29 , DOI: 10.3847/2515-5172/ad38ad
Bradley E. Schaefer

Recurrent nova V745 Sco is discovered to have a long-lost nova eruption in 1897 July. Now with four known eruptions (in 1897, 1937, 1989, and 2014), plus two likely missed eruptions (around 1917 and 1963), the average recurrence time is 23 yr, with a fractional rms of 13%.


循环新星 V745 Sco 在 1897 年 7 月发生了经典新星喷发

复发新星V745 Sco被发现于1897年7月发生了久违的新星爆发。现在已知有四次喷发(1897 年、1937 年、1989 年和 2014 年),加上两次可能错过的喷发(1917 年和 1963 年左右),平均复发时间为 23 年,分数均方根为 13%。