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Examining the efficacy of promising antioxidants to mitigate asphalt binder oxidation: insights from a worldwide interlaboratory investigation
International Journal of Pavement Engineering ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2024.2332363
Dheeraj Adwani 1 , Georgios Pipintakos 2 , Johannes Mirwald 3 , Yudi Wang 4 , Ramez Hajj 4 , Meng Guo 5 , Meichen Liang 5 , Ruxin Jing 6 , Aikaterini Varveri 6 , Yuan Zhang 7 , Ke Pei 7 , Xiong Xu 8 , Zhen Leng 9 , Danning Li 9 , William Villamil 10 , Silvia Caro 10 , Emmanuel Chailleux 11 , Justine Cantot 11 , Sandra Weigel 12 , Judita Škulteckė 13 , Giulia Tarsi 14 , Alexandros Margaritis 15 , Haopeng Wang 16 , Yongping Hu 16 , Gordon Airey 16 , Anand Sreeram 16, 17 , Amit Bhasin 1

Oxidative aging induces significant stiffening of asphalt binders that leads to a pronounced reduction in the overall durability of asphalt pavements. The strategic implementation of antioxidant ad...


