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Human resource management: A link between sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles. Traditional and systematic review
Sustainable Development ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1002/sd.2990
Katarzyna Wojtaszczyk 1 , Izabela Różańska‐Bińczyk 1 , Marzena Syper‐Jędrzejak 1

Human resource management (HRM), under the influence of the sustainable development paradigm, is evolving towards sustainable HRM. Contemporary HRM is a cross‐functional task that becomes increasingly important in the creation of corporate sustainability. Therefore, HRM plays an important role in building sustainable development. At the same time, HRM becomes more and more human‐centred. HRM is not only recruitment or appraisal orientated; one of its aims is to help different shareholders live sustainable lifestyles. Meanwhile, a sustainable lifestyle is analysed mainly in the context of consumer behaviour. The role of HRM in the promotion of a sustainable lifestyle is overlooked too often. The aim of the paper is to verify the importance of our ascertainment that HRM may (and should) be a link between sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles. We also want to confirm/deny a research gap related to the HRM's role in promotion of a sustainable lifestyle. We used two literature review methods: traditional and systematic review. The research pointed out that the researchers examine the idea of sustainable development as well as analyse the concept of a sustainable lifestyle. The systematic literature review identified a research lacuna in HRM regarding its role in promoting sustainable lifestyles.


