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Introduction to the Triple Special Issue “The Emotional Side of Populist Support: Key Affective Mechanisms at Test”
American Behavioral Scientist ( IF 2.531 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1177/00027642241240360
Monika Verbalyte 1 , Donatella Bonansinga 2 , Tereza Capelos 3

Although research on populism has gained traction as an established field of inquiry, its affective underpinnings remain a puzzle. A relatively underexplored area of study, now garnering attention, is the intricate relationship between populism and emotions. This Triple Special Issue focuses on the demand side of populist politics, delving into populist attitudes and the role emotions play in their activation. Articles in this collection address three overarching research questions, which we explore in this Introduction: What are the primary emotional drivers of populist attitudes? Which emotions are evoked in audiences by populist communication and framing? What is the significance of exploring complex emotions and moving beyond “thin ideology” in the study of emotions and populism? In this Introduction, we assess the current state of the art and highlight the contributions of our collection to ongoing theoretical and empirical debates.


