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Measuring the synergy of air pollution and CO2 emission in Chinese urban agglomerations: an evaluation from the aggregate impact and correlation perspectives
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s00477-024-02705-3
Yang Guan , Yang Xiao , Bin Li , Nannan Zhang


Synergizing air pollution control and carbon emission reduction has been widely proposed and highlighted. Evaluating the synergy of air pollution and carbon emissions has been the primary concern and essential support for synergistic control. Current research and works have attempted to assess synergy from multiple perspectives, but the informativeness and comprehensiveness of the synergy of air pollution and carbon emissions have been limited. This study develops a framework evaluating the synergy of PM2.5, ozone, and CO2 emission from the correlation and aggregate perspectives based on the large-scale and deep exploitation of the correlation and additivity of the data samples. A case study on the monthly synergy of air pollution and CO2 emission has been performed in major Chinese urban agglomerations at the city level. The results informatively present the seasonal and city-level characteristics and heterogeneity of synergy for PM2.5-ozone-CO2 while providing partitioned and classified recommendations for synergistic control. A comprehensive synergy typology of synergy, bare, aggregate, and correlation for air pollution and CO2 emission provides a reference for planning short-period synergistic control strategies.
