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Double data piling: a high-dimensional solution for asymptotically perfect multi-category classification
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s42952-024-00263-6
Taehyun Kim , Woonyoung Chang , Jeongyoun Ahn , Sungkyu Jung

For high-dimensional classification, interpolation of training data manifests as the data piling phenomenon, in which linear projections of data vectors from each class collapse to a single value. Recent research has revealed an additional phenomenon known as the ‘second data piling’ for independent test data in binary classification, providing a theoretical understanding of asymptotically perfect classification. This paper extends these findings to multi-category classification and provides a comprehensive characterization of the double data piling phenomenon. We define the maximal data piling subspace, which maximizes the sum of pairwise distances between piles of training data in multi-category classification. Furthermore, we show that a second data piling subspace that induces data piling for independent data exists and can be consistently estimated by projecting the negatively-ridged discriminant subspace onto an estimated ‘signal’ subspace. By leveraging this second data piling phenomenon, we propose a bias-correction strategy for class assignments, which asymptotically achieves perfect classification. The present research sheds light on benign overfitting and enhances the understanding of perfect multi-category classification of high-dimensional discrimination with a help of high-dimensional asymptotics.



