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Dynamic crack growth in orthotropic brittle materials using an adaptive phase-field modeling with variable-node elements
Composite Structures ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118068
Jianan He , Tiantang Yu , Weihua Fang , Sundararajan Natarajan

In this paper, crack growth in orthotropic materials subjected to dynamic loading is numerically studied using an adaptive phase-field method. The study starts with a coarse structured mesh and the adaptive refinement strategy based on a user-defined threshold on the phase-field variable is proposed for computational efficiency, and variable-node elements are employed to treat the hanging nodes as a result of local adaptive refinement. The Hughes-Hilbert-Taylor (HHT) time integration scheme is adopted for temporal discretization. The directionality of orthotropic materials is represented by a penalized second-order structural matrix, which is incorporated in the crack face energy density. Through numerical examples, the influence of the material orientation on the dynamic crack growth in orthotropic materials is studied and the reliability of the proposed framework is validated.


