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The Theurgic Power of Intellectual, Meditative, and Moralistic Engagement: Safrin’s Otsar haḤayim
Review of Rabbinic Judaism Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1163/15700704-20240001
Leore Sachs-Shmueli 1

In its rationalization of the commandments, Otsar haḤayim, by Yitṣḥak Ayzik Yehuda Yeḥiel Safrin of Komarno, integrates Talmudic, halakhic, kabbalistic, and Hasidic traditions. Safrin’s theurgic system expands Lurianic traditions to include a multidimensional interiorized practice that can be traced to the Baal Shem Tov (the Besht), the legendary founder of Hasidism. This article argue that Safrin’s interiorization went hand in hand with stipulating a strict adherence to practical fulfillment of halakhic norms. Furthermore, in his writings, Safrin upheld all the dominant, traditional models regarding the kabbalistic efficacy of the commandments – theurgic, magical, and ecstatic – expanding them (not replacing them) to include not only their practical performance but also a variety of interiorized practices. Additionally, each of these performances encompasses a moralistic aspect – repairing sin, transgression, and encouraging a person to strive for self-perfection in divine worship.


智力、冥想和道德参与的神效力量:萨夫林的 Otsar haḤayim
