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South Sudan’s Transitional Constitution: the Making, Failure and Lessons
African Journal of Legal Studies Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1163/17087384-bja10090
Mark A. W. Deng 1

The period 2005 to 2011 has a special significance for the people of Sudan. It not only saw the emergence of South Sudan as an independent country, but it also marked the beginning of formal constitution-making in South Sudan’s tumultuous political history. Two important documents – the Interim Constitution 2005 and the Transitional Constitution 2011 – were enacted during this period. I discuss both documents in this paper. I find that the Transitional Constitution unnecessarily concentrates power in the president. I argue that in failing to constrain the president, the Transitional Constitution has failed the task of a modern constitution.



2005年至2011年对于苏丹人民来说具有特殊意义。它不仅见证了南苏丹作为一个独立国家的崛起,也标志着南苏丹动荡的政治史上正式制宪的开始。在此期间颁布了两份重要文件——《2005 年临时宪法》和《2011 年过渡宪法》。我在本文中讨论了这两份文件。我发现过渡宪法不必要地将权力集中在总统身上。我认为,过渡宪法未能约束总统,因此未能完成现代宪法的任务。