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Health status and missed care among youth in care in British Columbia, Canada: A population study
Children and Youth Services Review ( IF 2.519 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107549
James X. Wang , Sheila K. Marshall , Colleen Poon , Annie Smith

Youth in care (YIC) are a marginalized population with high health care needs and barriers to access, resulting in lifelong health disparities. This study examines the health of Canadian YIC and their engagement with the Canadian health care system on a population level. Data were retrieved from the 2018 British Columbia Adolescent Health Survey, a cross-sectional population survey of Grade 7–12 students (ages 12–19 years) in British Columbia, Canada (n = 38,015). Primary outcomes were self-rated general health and mental health, missed medical care, and missed mental health care among YIC. Secondary outcomes included health care access and gender differences. Multivariate analyses adjusted for age, gender, and food insecurity. YIC represented 1.9 % of the weighted sample population. Compared to non-YIC, YIC accessed health care more frequently from mental health professionals and youth-focused clinics and less frequently from family physicians. YIC reported worse general health (AOR 1.81 [99 % CI 1.40–2.34]) and mental health (AOR 1.81 [99 % CI 1.42–2.32]) than non-YIC. Adjusted for health status, YIC experienced more missed medical care (AOR 1.96 [99 % CI 1.46–2.62]) but comparable missed mental health care to non-YIC. Significant barriers for YIC included negative health care experiences and transportation. Among YIC, female and non-binary genders also had increased risk for worse health and missed care compared to males. YIC in Canada have inequitably unmet health care needs. Many complex factors contribute to this disparity and its correlation with out-of-home care. Further action is needed to reduce health care barriers for YIC.



接受护理的青年 (YIC) 是一个边缘化人群,他们对医疗保健有很高的需求,但在获得医疗保健方面存在障碍,导致终身健康差距。本研究调查了加拿大 YIC 的健康状况以及他们在人口层面上与加拿大医疗保健系统的互动。数据取自 2018 年不列颠哥伦比亚省青少年健康调查,这是一项针对加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 7-12 年级学生(12-19 岁)的横断面人口调查(n = 38,015)。主要结局是 YIC 中自我评价的一般健康和心理健康、错过医疗护理和错过心理健康护理。次要结果包括医疗保健的获取和性别差异。根据年龄、性别和粮食不安全因素进行多变量分析调整。 YIC 占加权样本总体的 1.9%。与非 YIC 相比,YIC 更频繁地从心理健康专业人员和以青少年为重点的诊所获得医疗保健,而较少从家庭医生那里获得医疗保健。 YIC 报告的一般健康状况(AOR 1.81 [99% CI 1.40–2.34])和心理健康状况(AOR 1.81 [99% CI 1.42–2.32])比非 YIC 更差。根据健康状况进行调整后,YIC 的错过医疗护理次数较多(AOR 1.96 [99 % CI 1.46–2.62]),但错过的心理健康护理与非 YIC 相当。 YIC 面临的重大障碍包括负面的医疗保健体验和交通。在 YIC 中,与男性相比,女性和非二元性别的健康状况恶化和错过护理的风险也更高。加拿大 YIC 的医疗保健需求未得到满足,这是不公平的。许多复杂的因素导致了这种差异及其与户外护理的相关性。需要采取进一步行动来减少 YIC 的医疗保健障碍。