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The Virtual Child
Cancer Discovery ( IF 28.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.cd-23-1500
Richard J. Gilbertson 1, 2 , Sam Behjati 3, 4, 5 , Anna-Lisa Böttcher 6, 7 , Marianne E. Bronner 8 , Matthew Burridge 9 , Henrick Clausing 10 , Harry Clifford 11 , Tracey Danaher 12 , Laura K. Donovan 13 , Jarno Drost 14, 15 , Alexander M.M. Eggermont 14 , Chris Emerson 11 , Mona G. Flores 16 , Petra Hamerlik 17 , Nada Jabado 18 , Andrew Jones 9 , Henrick Kaessmann 19 , Claudia L. Kleinman 20, 21 , Marcel Kool 6, 7, 14 , Lena M. Kutscher 6, 22 , Gavin Lindberg 23 , Emily Linnane 1, 2 , John C. Marioni 1, 3, 24 , John M. Maris 25, 26 , Michelle Monje 27 , Alexandra Macaskill 28 , Steven Niederer 29 , Paul A. Northcott 30 , Elizabeth Peeters 31 , Willemijn Plieger-van Solkema 32 , Liane Preußner 33 , Anne C. Rios 14 , Karsten Rippe 34 , Peter Sandford 9 , Nikolaos G. Sgourakis 26, 35 , Adam Shlien 36 , Pete Smith 37 , Karin Straathof 38, 39 , Patrick J. Sullivan 40 , Mario L. Suvà 41, 42 , Michael D. Taylor 43 , Emma Thompson 44 , Roser Vento-Tormo 3 , Brandon J. Wainwright 45 , Robert J. Wechsler-Reya 46 , Frank Westermann 6, 47 , Shannon Winslade 44 , Bissan Al-Lazikani 48 , Stefan M. Pfister 6, 7

Summary: We are building the world's first Virtual Child–a computer model of normal and cancerous human development at the level of each individual cell. The Virtual Child will “develop cancer” that we will subject to unlimited virtual clinical trials that pinpoint, predict, and prioritize potential new treatments, bringing forward the day when no child dies of cancer, giving each one the opportunity to lead a full and healthy life.


