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Improved RF power performance via electrostatic shielding effect using AlGaN/GaN/graded-AlGaN/GaN double-channel structure
Science China Information Sciences ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11432-023-3940-x
Chunzhou Shi , Ling Yang , Meng Zhang , Hao Lu , Mei Wu , Bin Hou , Xuerui Niu , Qian Yu , Wenliang Liu , Wenze Gao , Xiaohua Ma , Yue Hao

The direct current and radio frequency of DCGC-HEMT and DCTB-HEMT were systematically investigated. Owing to the utilization of a graded-AlGaN bottom barrier to provide more carriers and shield traps in the buffer, DCGC-HEMT exhibited greater saturated drain current and suppression in drain lag, enabling it to show greater output performance than DCTB-HEMT. The improvement in the former’s superior large-signal characteristic indicates its potential for high-performance RF PA applications.


使用 AlGaN/GaN/梯度 AlGaN/GaN 双通道结构通过静电屏蔽效应提高射频功率性能

