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Three-Dimensional Spatial Atmospheric Turbulence Generation Method for Aerial Refueling Flight Simulation
Journal of Aircraft ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.2514/1.c037792
Xiangrui Meng 1 , Zhibin Li 1 , He Wang 2 , Deping He 1

Traditional flight simulation models often operate on the premise of a steady atmosphere, overlooking the complexities of actual atmospheric dynamics and the flight safety risks posed by wind disturbances, such as turbulence. To Address this oversight, the present study introduces a method for generating three-dimensional atmospheric turbulence based on spatial correlation functions. This method, rigorously validated against correlation and spectral benchmarks, guarantees isotropic properties in the synthesized turbulence fields. Through interpolation techniques, the model integrates the spatial atmospheric turbulence into the flight simulation framework effectively. The paper highlights the application of this model by examining the impact of atmospheric turbulence on the precise flight dynamics of quadcopter UAVs during aerial refueling operations. The findings demonstrate the model’s pertinence not only to UAVs but also to the broader spectrum of aircraft and their operational procedures.



