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Impact Analysis Model of Landslide-generated Waves on Local Damage to Post-earthquake Arch Dams
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s12205-024-0586-6
Yuqian Li , Jianyun Chen , Qiang Xu , Jing Li

The purpose of this study is to propose an impact analysis model to explore the effect of the post-earthquake landslide surge on local damage to ultra-high arch dams. Based on the existing pressure model of landslide-generated waves impacting the dam, nonlinear dynamic analysis is conducted on a high arch dam subjected to the landslide surge of different surge heights after the earthquake, through numerical simulation. According to the theory of nonlinear least squares, the relationship between the surge height and the damage value of all dam elements is fitted with a Sigmoid function, and the results show good fitting performance. This result proves that the proposed impact analysis model can well reflect the influence of the surge height on the local damage to arch dams. In addition, three parameters are defined based on this model. The influence of the post-earthquake landslide surge on the local damage of arch dams at different positions is analyzed based on these three parameters, and the vulnerable positions of the dam body under the impact of the post-earthquake landslide surge are determined. The model has important significance for the safety evaluation of dams affected by landslide-generated waves after an earthquake.



