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Protein glycosylation in lung cancer from a mass spectrometry perspective
Mass Spectrometry Reviews ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1002/mas.21882
Mirjam Balbisi 1, 2 , Simon Sugár 1 , Lilla Turiák 1

Lung cancer is a severe disease for which better diagnostic and therapeutic approaches are urgently needed. Increasing evidence implies that aberrant protein glycosylation plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis and progression of lung cancer. Differences in glycosylation patterns have been previously observed between healthy and cancerous samples as well as between different lung cancer subtypes, which suggests untapped diagnostic potential. In addition, understanding the changes mediated by glycosylation may shed light on possible novel therapeutic targets and personalized treatment strategies for lung cancer patients. Mass spectrometry based glycomics and glycoproteomics have emerged as powerful tools for in‐depth characterization of changes in protein glycosylation, providing valuable insights into the molecular basis of lung cancer. This paper reviews the literature on the analysis of protein glycosylation in lung cancer using mass spectrometry, which is dominated by manuscripts published over the past 5 years. Studies analyzing N‐glycosylation, O‐glycosylation, and glycosaminoglycan patterns in tissue, serum, plasma, and rare biological samples of lung cancer patients are highlighted. The current knowledge on the potential utility of glycan and glycoprotein biomarkers is also discussed.


