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Dyslexia awareness among English language teachers in Türkiye
European Journal of Education ( IF 2.609 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12647
Arzu Ekoç Özçelik 1 , Sibel Ergün Elverici 2

It is estimated that 10% of the world's population are dyslexic, and the ratio of dyslexia may be up to 20% in some countries. Considering this rate and the challenges that many dyslexic learners face when learning a foreign language in the classroom, it is crucial for language teachers to be aware of such challenges. Through an online questionnaire, this study seeks to understand whether English language teachers in Türkiye are well prepared to meet the particular educational needs of dyslexic language learners by implementing effective inclusive teaching methods. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Findings indicate that many English language teachers are not prepared enough to teach students with dyslexia. To overcome the difficulties experienced, teacher education programmes may be enhanced with additional activities and strategies to prepare novice teachers, while the teachers in the field are supported with more in‐service teacher training education such as seminars, webinars and workshops given by experts to increase their awareness of the needs of dyslexic language learners.


