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A multi‐receiver adaptive design of variable magnetic coupled structure for omnidirectional WPT system
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1002/cta.4026
Musong Li 1 , Xian Zhang 1 , Zhongyu Dai 1 , Zhixin Chen 1 , Ran Wang 1 , Xingtao Xiao 2

SummaryOmnidirectional Wireless Power Transfer (OWPT) system can provide power to multiple loads in space. The different loads have different requirements for current and power levels under various operating conditions. This paper proposes a Variable Receiving Coil (VRC) structure and its control strategy. Active regulation of the output current is achieved by adjusting the geometric size of the receiving coil. Meets the power supply needs of equipment in different scenarios. This design allows the effective value of the VRC current to remain stable within the range of 1.01–1.62A (transmission distance of 22–27 cm). By adjusting the geometric transformation state of the VRC, different output currents can be obtained under fixed positions, loads, and input voltages. The designed receiver can meet the differential current requirements of multiple spatial loads, and is insensitive to factors such as load, transmission distance, and rotation angle. This system can reduce the design complexity of charging and power supply systems and effectively promote the application of Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) in the field of Internet of Things devices.


