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Recognizing students emotions in game-based learning environment
International Journal of Information Technology Pub Date : 2024-04-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s41870-024-01802-4
Abir Hamrouni , Fatima Bendella

Serious Games as video games whose main goal is education rather than entertainment must adapt to the cognitive and emotional aptitudes of the learner-player to optimize his interaction experience and adapt intervention strategies to keep the learner-player engaged and motivated during the game session. In this context, great importance is given to emotions since they influence cognitive skills such as perception and decision-making of learner-players. This study presents an emotion self-reporting tool based on the “Experience Sampling Method” approach. This tool is designed not only to collect and analyze the emotions of learner-players but also to better understand the correlation between learning and entertainment. We present the results of this study and their implications for the design of adaptive game-based learning.



