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Modeling and Architecting of Complex Software Systems
IEEE Software ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1109/ms.2024.3363541
Silvia Abrahão 1 , Miroslaw Staron 2 , Emilio Insfran 1 , Henry Muccini 3

This edition of the “Practitioners’ Digest” covers recent papers on novel approaches and tools to assist developers in modeling and architecting software systems from two conferences: the 26th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) and the 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA). Feedback or suggestions are welcome. Also, if you try or adopt any of the practices included in the column, please send us and the authors of the paper(s) a note about your experiences.



本版“从业者文摘”涵盖了来自两个会议的最新论文,内容涉及帮助开发人员建模和构建软件系统的新颖方法和工具:第 26 届 ACM/IEEE 模型驱动工程语言和系统 (MODELS) 和第 20 届 ACM/IEEE 国际会议IEEE 软件架构国际会议 (ICSA)。欢迎反馈或建议。另外,如果您尝试或采用本专栏中包含的任何实践,请向我们和论文作者发送有关您的经验的说明。