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Mathematical model of rabies vaccination in the United States
Theoretical Population Biology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2024.03.004
Annalise Hassan , Zoe A. Tapp , Dan K. Tran , Jan Rychtář , Dewey Taylor

Rabies is one of the oldest viral diseases and it has been present on every continent except Antarctica. Within the U.S. human rabies cases are quite rare. In the eastern USA, raccoons are the main reservoir hosts and pet vaccination serves as an important barrier against human rabies exposure. In this paper, we develop a compartmental model for rabies transmission amongst raccoons and domestic pets. We find the disease-free equilibria, reproduction numbers for the raccoons and domestic pets. We also determine the vaccination coverage/rates, both for raccoons and pets, needed to achieve the elimination of rabies.


