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Phase shift-based resonance assessment for in-service high-speed railway bridges
Structural Health Monitoring ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-06 , DOI: 10.1177/14759217241239988
Seunghoo Jeong 1 , Hyunmin Kim 1 , Sung Il Kim 1 , Kyoung Chan Lee 2 , Junhwa Lee 3

Resonance in high-speed railway bridges can deteriorate the structural integrity and running safety of a train; thus, the resonant speed needs to be identified. Previous studies have proposed resonant conditions analytically, but their applications to in-service bridges are limited. Free vibration after the passage of a train was utilized to assess resonance, but it could not capture the natural frequency of the coupled system because the train-bridge interaction was neglected. This study proposed a practical framework for quantifying the resonance in a high-speed railway bridge using a phase shift. The static displacement of the railway bridge was numerically reconstructed using the train loading history. Phase angles were extracted by comparing the static and dynamic displacements, which were directly utilized to develop a novel resonance indicator in this study. Numerical simulations and field demonstrations validated the applicability of the proposed method for understanding the resonance behavior of full-scale railway bridges.


