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University Leadership as a Racialized Space: Building Constructs for an Emergent Theory
Journal of College Student Development ( IF 2.051 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-03 , DOI: 10.1353/csd.2024.a923529
Michelle M. Espino


The organizational settings and subcultures in which Latine mid-level student affairs administrators are employed obscure the covert nature and permeation of racialized processes throughout the academic organization. Such processes determine who is promoted and who can lead. I used a constructivist grounded theory approach to challenge current leadership discourses and to propose an initial set of theorizing constructs for an emergent theory of university leadership as a racialized space. The emergent theory delves into how opportunity structures, organizational environments, and individual agency affect the career aspirations and professional pathways to senior leadership roles for 93 Latine mid-level student affairs administrators across the US. Four intersecting structural practices are proposed to illustrate how leadership is a racialized space: (a) leadership is not neutral—it is raced, gendered, and classed; (b) pathways for Latine leaders are constrained through structural exclusion; (c) formal credentialing and notions of professionalism cloak whiteness as leadership legitimacy; and (d) social and material resources are inequitably distributed to Latine student affairs administrators, whose heavy workloads and emotional labor leave them trapped in entry-level and mid-level positions without opportunities for advancement. Implications for theory and practice are offered.




拉丁中级学生事务管理人员所受聘的组织环境和亚文化掩盖了整个学术组织中种族化进程的隐蔽性和渗透性。这些流程决定了谁可以晋升以及谁可以领导。我使用建构主义扎根理论方法来挑战当前的领导力话语,并为大学领导力作为种族化空间的新兴理论提出一套初始的理论构建。这一新兴理论深入研究了机会结构、组织环境和个人能动性如何影响美国 93 名拉丁裔中层学生事务管理人员的职业抱负和通往高级领导职位的专业途径。提出了四种交叉的结构实践来说明领导力如何成为一个种族化的空间:(a)领导力不是中立的——它是种族的、性别的和阶级的; (b) 拉丁裔领导人的出路因结构性排斥而受到限制; (c) 正式的资格认证和专业精神概念将白人身份伪装成领导的合法性; (d) 拉丁裔学生事务管理人员的社会和物质资源分配不公平,繁重的工作量和情感劳动使他们陷入初级和中级职位,没有晋升的机会。提供了理论和实践的启示。
