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Cardiovascular events associated with CDK4/6 inhibitors based on randomized controlled trials or cohort trials: a safety meta-analysis
medRxiv - Oncology Pub Date : 2024-04-04 , DOI: 10.1101/2024.03.29.24305099
Chengrong Zhang , Guoshuang Shen , Shengmei Li , Fei Ma , Huihui Li , Yuyao Tang , YongXin Li , Zhoujuan Li , Zijun Zhu , Tianlei Qiu , Zhilin Liu , Yi Zhao , Shifeng Huang , Fuxing Zhao , Fanzhen Kong , Jiuda Zhao

Background CDK4/6 inhibitors is highly valued, but the incidence of cardiovascular events (CVAEs) associated with CDK4/6 inhibitors is not clear.


基于随机对照试验或队列试验的与 CDK4/6 抑制剂相关的心血管事件:安全性荟萃分析

背景CDK4/6 抑制剂受到高度重视,但与 CDK4/6 抑制剂相关的心血管事件 (CVAE) 的发生率尚不清楚。