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Correction to: INO80-Dependent Remodeling of Transcriptional Regulatory Network Underlies the Progression of Heart Failure
Circulation ( IF 37.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 , DOI: 10.1161/cir.0000000000001235

In the article by Ren et al, “INO80-Dependent Remodeling of Transcriptional Regulatory Network Underlies the Progression of Heart Failure,” which published online on December 28, 2023, and appears in the April 2, 2023, issue of the journal (Circulation. 2024;149:1121–1138. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065440), a correction is needed.

The leftmost 2 panels of Figure 3F, showing the CD68 staining at the D4 and D6 timepoints were inadvertently duplicated. The duplication occurred because of accidental repasting of the D6 control image as a D4 control image during figure assembly, which had been noticed and corrected during manuscript proofing. This correction does not affect the conclusion of this manuscript. Figure 3F has been updated to show the correct control image of CD68 staining at D4.

The correction has been made in the print and online version of the article, which is available at https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065440.


更正: INO80 依赖性转录调节网络重塑是心力衰竭进展的基础

Ren 等人的文章“转录调节网络的 INO80 依赖性重塑导致心力衰竭的进展”,该文章于 2023 年 12 月 28 日在线发表,并发表在 2023 年 4 月 2 日的《循环》杂志上。 2024;149:1121–1138.doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065440),需要更正。

图 3F 最左边的 2 个面板显示 D4 和 D6 时间点的 CD68 染色无意中重复。出现重复的原因是在拼图时意外将D6控制图像重新粘贴为D4控制图像,这一点在原稿校对过程中已被注意到并纠正。此更正不影响本文的结论。图 3F 已更新,显示 D4 时 CD68 染色的正确对照图像。

该文章的印刷版和在线版已进行更正,可在 https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.065440 上获取。
