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Case study: 3D mobilized strength of compacted fill
Canadian Geotechnical Journal ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 , DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2023-0187
Abedalqader Idries 1 , Timothy D Stark 2 , Lucia Moya 3 , Jiale Lin 2

Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Ahead of Print.
Water infiltration can cause softening of compacted structural fill and a reduction of the shear strength from the peak compacted strength to the fully softened strength (FSS) with an accompanying reduction in drained factor of safety (FoS). This study presents two-dimensional (2D) and 3D stability analyses of a compacted fill slope failure that occurred 6 years after construction due to water leaking from a connection between the main and lateral water pipes in the water supply system. The compacted fill material primarily consists of high plasticity fine-grained soil. The 3D FoS at the end of construction is 2.44 using the peak compacted strength envelope. However, the 3D FoS is close to unity (1.0) when the FSS is assigned to the compacted fill material with the appropriate piezometric surface, which means the 2 H:1 V compacted fill slope softened to the FSS within 6 years. This is an interesting FSS case because the failure surface is 4 m deep and semi-circular, which differs from infiltration cases that exhibit a shallower and more planar surface.


案例研究:压实填土的 3D 动员强度

水渗透会导致压实结构填充物软化,剪切强度从峰值压实强度降低到完全软化强度 (FSS),并伴随排水安全系数 (FoS) 的降低。本研究对施工 6 年后由于供水系统主水管和支水管之间的连接处漏水而发生的压实填方边坡破坏进行了二维 (2D) 和 3D 稳定性分析。压实填充材料主要由高塑性细粒土组成。使用峰值压实强度包络线时,施工结束时的 3D FoS 为 2.44。然而,当 FSS 分配给具有适当测压表面的压实填充材料时,3D FoS 接近统一 (1.0),这意味着 2 H:1 V 压实填充坡度在 6 年内软化为 FSS。这是一个有趣的 FSS 案例,因为破坏表面为 4 m 深且呈半圆形,这与表现出更浅且更平坦表面的渗透案例不同。