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Stochastic Vibration-Driven Fatigue Analysis for Steel Structure Bridges Considering Track Irregularity
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-05 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219455424502596
Yahao Li 1 , Nan Zhang 1 , Qikan Sun 1 , Chaoxun Cai 2, 3, 4 , Kebing Li 2, 3

This study proposes a method for assessing the effect of stochastic vibrations resulting from track irregularities which are rarely studied but significant on bridge fatigue. First, the pseudo-excitation method is utilized to determine the power spectrum density of stress. Subsequently, the trigonometric series method is employed to acquire the stress time history set. Then, a traditional fatigue life calculation method is employed for analysis. By utilizing a post-sampling method, the need for costly repetitive solutions of the vehicle-bridge coupling system is eliminated. Numerical simulations are conducted on a steel truss bridge, revealing the non-negligible effect of track irregularity on bridge fatigue performance. The study investigates the underlying mechanism, highlighting the pronounced influence of long-wave track irregularity. Moreover, the research explores the correlation between track smoothness and bridge fatigue performance, demonstrating that a decrease in track smoothness leads to an increase in fatigue loss. These findings emphasize the necessity of considering stochastic vibrations when evaluating bridge fatigue, providing valuable insights for bridge design and maintenance.



